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Member's Section


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Patriot Grave Marking Medal

Precedence:      33 Year

Authorized:       2012

Presented By:   National Society, District Vice President General or State Society President

Approved By:    NSSAR Patriot Index/Revolutionary War Graves Register Committee & State Society (President or state chairman)


Description:       The medal is suspended from a purple and black drape and is a round disk of silver color. The obverse depicts a cemetery with a picket fence, with a rifle leaning against the fence, a Betsy Ross flag, and a cloudy sky. The words “1775 Patriot” appear at the bottom. The reverse has the words “Services for Those Who Served” flanked by laurel leaves, with space for inscription. The medal is available in full size and miniature. A certificate is available for presentation.


Summary:           The Patriot Grave Marking Medal recognizes both past efforts to identify and report data on Revolutionary War graves and to encourage new efforts to identify graves. The data generated by these efforts will meet educational objectives by continuing to build and improve the existing database on these patriots by listing their final resting places. It meets historical objectives by providing data to potential members and by identifying these significant places so that they may not be lost to future generations.

Requirements for Earning the Patriot Grave Marking Medal:


 1.    A Patriot Grave Marking involves a ceremony as defined in the Patriot Grave Marking Manual published by the NSSAR Patriot Index/Revolutionary War Graves Register Committee. The requirement for the placement of an SAR marker or a tablet/plaque with the SAR logo (hereinafter referred to collectively as “an SAR marker”), may be waived if the marking takes place at a National Cemetery or other cemetery where an SAR marker placement is prohibited by the owner.

2.    The Patriot(s) being honored must be prominently recognized in the service and printed program with a brief biography that includes the type of service during the Revolution. The program may be used to document attendance and/or participation in the grave marking.

3.    To qualify for the Patriot Grave Marking Medal, the following criteria must be met:

         a) The Compatriot must have participated in a prominent role during the planning and execution of the grave marking. This includes, but is not limited to, researching/finding the grave, paying for or placing the SAR marker, or being the Master of Ceremonies and Speaker/Presenter. With respect to the researching or paying for the SAR marker, a compatriot does not need to be a resident of the state in which the grave is located to conduct these activities.

         b) The Compatriot must have participated, as defined above, in at least fifteen (15) grave marking events with a look-back period to 1 March 2011. For the purposes of this requirement, if a mass grave is marked or if multiple graves are marked in a single cemetery, the Compatriot will be allowed to count a maximum of five (5) patriots towards this requirement.

         c) Up to, but no more than, 50% of the submitted grave markings may be without the placement of an SAR marker.

         d) The Compatriot must have submitted data on the Grave location, including but not limited to providing photographs, address, GPS location and such other data as required by the National Patriot Graves Committee, to both their State Patriot Graves Committee (if one is established) and the National Patriot Graves Committee prior to applying for the medal.


Special Application Required:


Compatriots who believe they qualify for the medal must complete the appropriate form setting forth their qualifications, and including the supporting documentation. This form is available on the SAR website, and must be signed by either the state society president or the state patriot graves committee chairman (as reported to the National Patriot Graves Committee), and be submitted to the National Patriot Graves Committee.


Subsequent Presentation Authorized:


The medal may be awarded multiple times. A bronze oak leaf cluster shall be awarded for each additional fifteen (15) grave markings meeting the requirements listed above. Presentation and wear of oak leaf clusters shall follow NSSAR policy.

                                                 DADA Bulk Mailer Information 


Texas SAR is now using a bulk emailer to send information and announcements to the membership.  By using a bulk emailer, you are allowed to subscribe or unsubscribe from the list at any time, you can update your own email address in the mailer, and by using this consolidated list, Texas SAR can reduce the amount of emails you will receive concerning the society.  The mailer will also allow us to keep you better informed of society news and activities.

Every time you receive an email from the bulk emailer, Texas SAR will be readily identified as the sender and there will be a link that you can use to "Opt Out" (unsubscribe) off of the list if you so desire.


Note:  Sometimes an innocent process like unsubscribing and then re-subscribing with the same email address will result in your email address being placed on our system "black list."  If this happens, you may be prevented from re-subscribing or receiving emails.  If you suspect a problem of this type or have other problems with our email system, please contact the webmaster for a solution.


                                                 Information on Subscribing/Unsubscribing


To Subscribe to the Texas SAR Members mailing list via the link below, proceed as follows:

1.  Enter all of the fields seen on the form (email address, last name, first name, national number, and chapter number).  If this information is not included, your subscription may be rejected because it cannot be verified.

2.  Make sure the "Subscribe" choice is selected (click the radio button to select).

3.  Click the green "Submit Your Information" button.

You will then see a screen that will inform you that a "Subscribe" verification email will be sent to the email address you specified.  When you receive this verification email, you must click the Subscribe verification link in the email to verify your subscription action.  When you click the verification link, you will see another mailer screen in your browser informing you that your subscription was successfully processed and you will also get a final verification email.  This process ensures that no one can subscribe for you, as you have to "Double Opt-In" before you are actually added to the list.


To Unsubscribe to the Texas SAR Members mailing list via the link below, proceed as follows:


1.  Enter your email address on the form.  The extra fields are not required to unsubscribe.

2.  Make sure the "Unsubscribe" choice is selected (click the radio button to select).

3.  Click the green "Submit Your Information" button.

You will then see a screen that will inform you that an "Unsubscribe" verification email will be sent to the email address you specified.  When you receive this verification email, you must click the "Unsubscribe" verification link in the email to verify your Unsubscribe action.  When you click the verification link, you will see another mailer screen in your browser informing you that your Unsubscribe action was successfully processed and you will also get a verification email.  This process ensures that no one can Unsubscribe you, as you have to "Double Opt-Out" before you are actually removed from the list.


Changing Your Email Address:


Even if you belong to more than one Texas SAR Mailer list (other lists are for officers and committee members) you can easily update/change your email address in any/all lists in one easy step.  Click here to perform the change.  If you have not previously registered your Texas SAR Pro DADA Profile you will need to do so...otherwise log in to make the desired change.

Chapter 35 News

The William Hightower Chapter 35 of New Braunfels, Texas is proud to announce the formation of our local speakers bureau.  Please click the link on the home page to see our growing list of speakers for your school or civic event. 




Chapter 35 Community Events






















Broken Arrow Ceremony

Honoring those members who have since passed from this life

Conducted February 9, 2017


Broken Arrow Ceremony

Honoring Louis Segaloff who passed from this life on March 8, 2017

Conducted February 9, 2017


Broken Arrow Ceremony

Honoring Joe Tafolla who passed from this life on June 20, 2017

Conducted September 14, 2017


Broken Arrow Ceremony

Honoring Milan F. “Stoney” Stonebreaker, Jr. (Pres. 2011-12)

and  Kenneth R. “Ken” Whitley who passed from this life in 2018. 

Conducted February 14, 2019


Broken Arrow Stu and Ed 2019.jpg
Broken Arrow Stu and Ed 2019a.jpg
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